One of the key metrics we use at Cassadol is to track customer satisfaction is Net Promoter Score, essentially it “measures customer experience and predicts business growth”. We use this tool, embedded within Cassadol, to randomly ask customers how satisfied they are with Cassadol so we can address issues and confirm we are delivering the software they want, not what we think they want.
Below is a standardized chart that all NPS scored are ranked against and we are VERY PLEASED that our equine vets give Cassadol an average rank of 8.0. All the years of industry engagement have proven valuable for the equine vet!
We live and die by what other veterinarians say about Cassadol. Here is one example of a happy customer – we love feedback – good and bad.
“I started using Cassadol on December of 2020 after the programmers were able to convert my data from my old pragma to this new one. It is cloud based system so no fear of losing histories of patients or invoices of clients. I have found this program superior in every aspect to this I have used in the past Invoicing is simple and intuitive. Record keeping is amazing and easy to use. Keeping track of all the day to day activities of an Equine Mobile practitioner is again very intuitive and simple for those of us that are a little technologically challenge. You can add external files like lab results, x-rays and other reports to an existing patient file. I have really found that I am much more organized than I was and have been able to get my invoices out much more quickly than before. The credit card portion of the program is also great as we can get paid more quickly for our work. Overall, it’s an extremely well thought our program and getting better all the time”.
John Atack DVM Bellevue Equine Clinic