
Episode 2: Deb Reeder, From Coping to Meaningful Relationships and Sustainability
Concerned about recent downtrends and stalls to success in equine practice? Has the challenge of practice begun to tip the scales and outweigh the benefits and purposes that drove you into practice? Why should medical records, billing, tech staffing and relationships be a problem, let alone be a block to your having the practice you always wanted, one that lets you fulfill your purpose of why you went into this in the first place?

PILOT: A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to the Stable
The pilot episode of the show where Cynthia tells the most compelling story of how she ended up in a profession she knew nothing about, now knowing EVERYTHING about it and being married to the best of it, LITERALLY. Hear the tales she tells of not ever having seen a horse as a teenager being a “big city girl” and how she ended up gviing advice to the best of those who care for those very animals. Find out how her passion can resprak and set yours aflame!

Episode 3: Dr Fairfield Bain Teaching New Horses Old Tricks, Married to the Profession
I mentioned I was LITERALLY married to the profession and I wasn’t kiidding! My husband, Dr Fairfield Bain, is not only renown in the equine veterinary profession, but in my home and work life as well! Join me as I take him over the jumps in a heart-to-heart interview about old school vs new school approaches to equine veterinary practice, and how a “new horse” can learn “old tricks” that have not changed in all the intervening years since the early days, despite all the new technology available. Learn why and how they are more relevant and important now than ever! Find out Dr Bain’s secret to success in practice, his thoughts on the best learning, modeling and practicing scenarios that result in the best practice situations and outcomes and how mentoring can become a profitable and fulfilling two-way street. We have the master and the answers ready and available for you in this brief but power-packed interview watiing for you. So get ready to unstall YOUR practice as I interview Dr Bain and get you the answers you want to know. Tune in now!

Scott Pickard, From the Horse’s Mouth: Equine Business Horsepower!
Straight from the horse’s mouth, listen as Business Infusions Equine Veterinary Software CEO, Scott Pickard explains the secret solution to navigating a rapidly changing, progressively more challenging and even erratic and volatile practice environment. Yet with all the business acumen and strategy required to survive practice life, it isn’t business, in the end that makes or breaks a practice. Scott says you may not be in the animal business at all. What business ARE you in? Tune in now and find out the basic truth behind what business you’re actually in and how that understanding can not only unlock basic practice survival, but expansion too. Find out how to stop trying to single-hand a practice and start utilizing the most important resources that are actually more abundant than you realize. Join Cynthia as she interviews Scott and gets you the answers you want and some morsels you can take away and apply right now. Tune in now!

Why Clients Look Your Gift Horse In the Mouth with Frank Sardella
Hey there, equine heroes, its time we addressed the elephant in the barn: WHY DO CLIENTS TEND TO LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH? Have you ever felt a bit under-appreciated? Felt devalued in the eyes of a client? Does your dedicated, life’s work seem trying or even a little apathetic at times? Do people just not seem to get it? Ever wonder if it’s all worth it? Well you’re not alone, not because almost every equine vet will answer a resounding YES! to these questions, but because of what my special guest, producer of the show and wellness screening expert Frank Sardella will reveal. Want to know WHY people look the gift horses you give them in the mouth? Want to get people to perceive your value AND PAY YOU your true worth? Well there’s one secret you need to know that you don’t have to go farther than your own practice to find. Because it’s been sitting right in front of you, only a secret handshake away. Frank will not only reveal that secret handshake but will illustrate how your gained access into the insights of your clients will turn the table and the odds in your favor. Yes, you’re about to find out that you’re not dead-last, but a dark horse in your own race that’s actually already won. And your client’s are waiting at the finish line and the winners’ circle, eager to hand you the trophy. So mount-up and listen in as I bring that all to you. Tune in now!

Episode 6: Secret Practice Growth Horse Pill That’s Easy to Swallow
Wondering why supply costs are so inflated while profit margins are so narrow and even non-existent? Are you tired of spending 30-45 minutes for free only to have an outside pharmacy profit? Do you wish you could compete with online pharmacies and have your clients look to you instead of them? Want better control, more time to do what you do and better long-term prosperity? Well you’re about to find out how, with a secret to a hidden barrier you face, a solution that’s right under your nose, directly in your practice. And you have the ability to switch on a powerhouse that will light up your bottom line. Ready to find out, in less than 20 minutes, how you can make a change, today, that will do all of this and more? Well get ready to take the reins and take some copious notes, because you’re about to get an easy fix, right here and right now! Tune in now!